Month: March 2019

Mens Competition Results for 31/03/2019

Mens 18 Hole Single Stableford

31 March 2019
CSS 71
Entry: 128
1st Conor Mullaney (H/Cap 11) 42 Pts Last 9  
2nd Mark Carron (H/Cap 15) 42 Pts    
3rd Sean Carron (H/Cap 19) 41 Pts    
Back 9 David Ward (H/Cap 6) 19 Pts Last 6  
David Murray (H/Cap 2) 35  Pts  
Class 1
1st Barry Sherwin (H/Cap 5) 39 Pts    

Class 2
1st Tony Kennedy (H/Cap 14) 39 Pts    

Class 3
1st Barry O’Loghlen (H/Cap 18) 38 Pts Last 6  

Class 4
1st David O’Reilly (H/Cap 20) 40 Pts    

Mens 9 Hole Singles
1st Insufficient Entries – Entry Refunded         

Entry: 8
Two’s Competition
Derek Keane on the 2 Hole  
Dominic Henry on the 2 Hole  
Anthony Hand on the 2 Hole  
Two’s Entry: 35
Weather: Breezy & Dry

Ladies Competition Results for 30/03/2019

Ladies 18 Hole Single Stableford

30 March 2019
CSS 74
Entry: 35
Overall Marie Loughrey (H/Cap 29) 39 Pts    
Class 1
1st Irene Whelan (H/Cap 17) 37 Pts    

Class 2
1st Elaine McGloughlin (H/Cap 21) 34 Pts Last 9  

Class 3
1st Dot Crookes (H/Cap 29) 35 Pts Last 9  

Ladies 9 Hole Singles
1st No Competition Insufficent Entries         

Entry: 2

Mens Competition Results for 30/03/2019

Mens 18 Hole Fourball Stableford

30 March 2019

Entry: 92
1st James Hayden (H/Cap 23) 48 Pts    
  Frank Groothuis (H/Cap 26)      
2nd Dermot Everard (H/Cap 13) 45 Pts Last 9  
  Paul Kenny (H/Cap 16)       
3rd Brian Mooney (H/Cap 9) 45 Pts    
  Con Carroll (H/Cap 13)       
Mens 9 Hole Singles
1st John Kennefick (H/Cap 15) 21 Pts   15  

Entry: 12
Two’s Competition
Dermot Everard on the 12 Hole  
Two’s Entry: 25
Weather: changeable

Women In Golf Programme – begins on Saturday 27th April

Following the success of the past few years, Skerries Golf Club Ladies Section will once again be running their Women In Golf Programme.

Commencing on Saturday 27th April at 11 AM, it will take place on Saturday Mornings and Tuesday Evenings [Saturday 11am to 12 noon & Tuesday starting @ 6.30 pm]

The cost is €120 and includes:
Group Coaching, Long Game, Short Game, Etiquette & Rules
Participants will also play a few holes each week putting into practice their newly acquired skills & have great fun!

To Book this great offer contact: Josephine 087-771 6651
or Skerries Golf Club 01-8491567 Ext. 4
or email

First Announcement – Club Corporate Day – Friday 31st May

First Announcement – Club Corporate Day

The 2019 Club Corporate Day will is scheduled for Friday 31st May 2019.

Details are currently being finalised so put the date in your diary for now and encourage others to take a line on the timesheet when it comes available.

Don’t miss this great chance to showcase our newly refurbished course to your friends or colleagues.
More details will follow soon.

Easter Golf Taster for Boys and Girls aged 8 to 18

Thursday 18th April – during the Easter holidays – a great chance to try golf.

Please encourage as many boys and girls as possible to come along to our first golf taster – it is free and is supported by the Junior Development team of the Confederation of Golf on Ireland.
Participants don’t have to have played the game before nor need to have a relation in the club. Golf clubs can be made available by the Club if needed.

Our own Irish and Curtis Cup International, Maria Dunne, will show our future golfers how enjoyable golf can be and encourage all to give it a go.

Elaine McGloughlin at 085-7855316 has all the details.
Skerries Golf Club 01-8491567

Golf and Health – a week-long awareness campaign

Golf and Health Week to tee off next month

A dedicated campaign to raise awareness of the health benefits of golf for people of all ages and abilities will take place from 15th to 19th April 2019.
Aiming to encourage golfers, non-golfers and lapsed golfers into taking part in the sport, the campaign will run across digital and social media channels with everyone encouraged to use the hashtag #GolfHealthWeek.

Supported by various bodies across GB&I including the ILGU and the GUI, it will feature content focused on highlighting the physical and mental health benefits of playing golf and projects being delivered by golf bodies and clubs.

More Information


Message from the Golfing Unions – Golf Ireland Transition Board Confirmed

Golf Ireland Transition Board Confirmed

​​In addition to Tim O’Connor as independent Chair, there are eight other Board Directors, four nominees each from the GUI and ILGU

As you will be aware, a single governing body for golf in Ireland was approved by both GUI and ILGU delegates at meetings held in January. A transition period has begun and the first meeting of the Transition Board of Golf Ireland, chaired by Tim O’Connor (Edmondstown), was held on March 12th. In addition to Tim as independent Chair, there are eight other Board Directors, four nominees from each organisation: Pauline Bailie (Belvoir Park), Mary Culliton (The Heath), Ian Kerr (Royal Portrush), Brege McCarrick (Mullingar), Joe McNamara (The Heath), John Power (Portmarnock), Brian Punch (Castletroy) and Fiona Scott (Dun Laoghaire). The board is charged with getting Golf Ireland up and running ahead of the official launch of the body in early 2021.

What this means

Until Golf Ireland is established in 2021 and transfer of functions from the GUI and ILGU commence, it is business-as-usual for both the GUI and ILGU. This means that you continue to communicate with us as you always have done. General queries, including those relating to handicapping and rules, should be directed to your relevant GUI officer or ILGU District Official. Get into Golf programmes are still managed by the Confederation of Golf in Ireland while coaching programmes at underage level are managed by your provincial branch offices in the case of the GUI and Women and Girls’ Interprovincial Development queries should be directed to your ILGU District Executive.
Please note the contact details at for details on who to communicate with.

A Transition Period, under the direction of the Transition Board is underway as we move towards Golf Ireland. The intention is for this to culminate with the first AGM and Regional meetings of Golf Ireland in the final quarter of 2020 which will pave the way for the organisation to ‘go live’ on 1 January 2021.
The transition period will involve the organisation taking shape through the creation of a regional and national structure and the drawing up of rules and processes to underpin the activities of the organisation, all overseen by a CEO who will be appointed during the Transition Period. The Transition Board will issue quarterly reports on topics being discussed and progress being made as the work of the Board continues.

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