Month: March 2020

Club Lotto continues to operate online on a normal weekly basis

In the overall scheme of our current crisis, our priorities are understandably elsewhere and hopefully all of our Members and their loved ones are doing well.

However, if at all possible, Members are encouraged to participate in the Club Lotto, which will continue to operate online on a normal weekly basis.

The Lotto is an important form of on-going revenue for the Club. Payments to winners will issue once working restrictions are lifted and normal operations have recommenced.

Course Closure with Immediate effect until April 19th 2020

Following today’s recommendation from the GUI, ILGU and our Government, the Committee of Management has decided to close our course and practice grounds with immediate effect until April 19th 2020, see the GUI & ILGU notice below.

Committee of Management. (March 24th 2020)


GUI & ILGU Recommend Golf Clubs & Facilities To Close 

Urgent response requires all golf clubs, courses and facilities to close

Following the recent announcements by the UK and Irish Governments in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, the GUI and ILGU recommend that all golf clubs, practice facilities and courses across the island close with immediate effect until April 19th 2020.

While golf is an outdoor sport that allows players to exercise in the fresh air, the message is clear. People must stay at home to help to contain the spread of COVID-19.

The Unions recognise the need clubs may have for business support at this time. We will monitor options available and engage with the relevant sporting bodies in due course to make representations for our member clubs.

We know that these decisions are difficult ones to make, but right now, it is our shared responsibility to prioritise the health of our local communities by working together to follow the respective Government guidelines. In doing so, this will ensure that we get the opportunity to play the game that we all love as soon as it is safe to do so.

For security and essential maintenance purposes, greenkeeping staff can still attend work. All work must be carried out in strict accordance with government guidelines on physical (social) distancing. Clubs should divide course staff into two teams where possible and if one becomes unavailable, the other team will still be okay to work.

You will appreciate that this is a very fluid situation with new developments almost daily. We will continue to liaise with the appropriate authorities, and will ensure that our clubs are kept informed as to recommended best practice at all times.


Mens 18 Hole Single Stableford

22 March 2020
CSS Non-Qualifying
Entry: 128
1st George Bermingham (H/Cap 29) 39 Pts   

2nd Louis Dwyer (H/Cap 8) 38 Pts Last 9

3rd Diarmuid McHugh (H/Cap 19) 38 Pts Last 9

Gross Mick Ahern (H/Cap 2) 34 Pts

Class 1 David Breham (H/Cap 12) 37 Pts 

Class 2 Paul Kenny (H/Cap 14) 36 Pts 

Class 3 Tim Hegarty (H/Cap 19) 36 Pts 

Class 4 Dermot Nolan (H/Cap 20) 37 Pts 

Weather: Nice Day For Golf, cooler in the evening

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