Month: May 2020

Joint Captains’ Charity Raffle – Extended until we are all back playing

Due to the phased return to golf

we have decided to extend the Captains’ Charity Raffle until the distance restrictions have been lifted and we have all had a chance to return to playing golf.  To those who have already purchased their ticket, thank you for your patience.

As part of our ongoing fundraising efforts, …

Captains Austin and Trudy have agreed to offer a 2021 subscription as part of their Joint Captains’ Charity Raffle.

In a time when fundraising income is difficult to maintain for all charities, we will donate 30% of the money raised by this raffle to the Skerries Branch of the Society of Saint Vincent De Paul.

The 2020 Raffle will have a top prize of €1,000.

Our target is a minimum of 250 ticket sales at €40.  It is open to Members and Non-Members alike.  The winner can either take a prize of €1,000 or, if a Club Member, offset it against the subscription portion of their 2021 membership fee.

In order to purchase a ticket Members should open the timesheet (in the usual way) for 2nd August and enter their name in a space as for a club competition.  To enter the draw more than once, do so by booking in a guest on the same line.

Members should ensure they have enough money on their card to pay for their entry.  As a Member, you can put money on your card (as per the email that issued to all members on 23rd April) by using the Club V1 App.  Alternatively, you can ring the office on Monday’s or Thursdays to have money put on your card or email admin@skerriesgolfclub.ieand the office will call you back.

Non-Members should enter via this link:  

Conditions for Phase 1 Re-opening on May 18th 2020

We are all, looking forward to the return of golf, it seems like such a long time since we were on our fairways. Our course is looking fantastic and while we all want to get on the time sheet and start playing again, we do need to do so with caution.


The GUI and ILGU in conjunction with the Government have agreed on a set of protocols to be put in place for Golf Clubs to re-open in the first phase of easing of the Covid 19 restrictions.

There are very clear guidelines and a roadmap to be followed, it is in your interest to read these and become familiar with them by means of protecting yourself and others from this harmful virus.

See the links below.

1) Protocol for the re-introduction of golf in the Republic of Ireland

2) Frequently asked questions


As Skerries Golf Club must sign to commit to the conditions of Golf   Re-opening we ask all members to abide by the GUI, ILGU and Government recommendations along with our own conditions below.



Time Sheets will open Tomorrow Thursday May 14th @ 4 pm.



Time Sheets Booking

  • Pre-booking your tee time in advance is compulsory, either on-line using the BRS system or by phone is essential, you cannot go on the course unless you have booked a tee time, even if it is just one person practicing on their own. This is to facilitate Covid Contact Tracing if required.
  • Time sheets will commence as follows Front 9 at 8.00 am until 7.30 pm, Back 9 from 10 am until 7.30 pm. The Back 9 tee time is starting later to facilitate course work.
  • Restrictions for Junior member bookings are detailed in the Junior Section blow.
  • For us to control contact tracing, no golf will be allowed on the course, before or after the available tee times on the time sheet.
  • Members playing golf without having a booking or playing before or after the allocated tee times on the booking sheet, may face a disciplinary process.
  • Maximum number of players per line is 3, with 14-minute intervals.
  • Start times must be adhered to, do not tee off before you allotted time.
  • Until June 8th members will only be allowed to play a maximum of 9 holes Singles Stableford casual golf on any day, there will be no defined members hour, Ladies Day, or Men’s only day.
  • Both the 1st and 10th tee will be in operation, do not arrive to the tee box until 5 minutes before your allocated tee time.
  • You must report to the Club Professional prior to entering onto the course.



  • Until PHASE 2 (June 8th) Junior members Must play with an Adult Member (an Adult Member is anyone currently paying an Intermediate, 5 Day, Full member, and Lady Associate Member fee).
  • Junior members playing with an Adult can only book on the Font 9 between 8am to 10am on Monday’s, Thursday, and Friday. The front 9 and back 9 are reserved for members outside these times.
  • The Back 9 on Monday, Thursday, and Sundays evenings from 5.40pm to 7.00 pm will be reserved for Adult members playing with Juniors/ Cadets i.e. Family Golf.
  • The same booking rules apply as above, names must be on the time sheet to be allowed play on the course.





  • Putting Green, practice nets and practice ground will remain closed, until further notice.
  • Bunkers; as there will be no rakes in bunkers, you may lift your ball, rake the sand with your foot and place the ball back in the bunker and play your shot.
  • Pins are not to be removed from the hole.
  • On the course you are restricted to only using one golf ball, practice with additional balls is prohibited.
  • Divot bags, if you have your own divot bag please do bring it and use it to protect our fairways. We do have more bags ordered for members to buy as we cannot use communal bags at this time.



  • Any Adult or Junior member that has not paid a subscription or engaged with the club regarding this year’s fees will be blocked from booking a time on the time sheet and from playing the course, as you will not be covered for insurance. Should you wish to make a payment, please contact the office or the Pro Shop.



All these conditions will be kept under constant review and may be changed as deemed necessary.


Committee of Management

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Time Sheets for Monday May 18th 2020

In preparation for our return to golf on May 18th 2020, the Committee of Management, Men’s, Ladies and Junior’s committees have all had meetings this week with a view of outlining our conditions of golf, these will be in addition to the Covid 19 return to golf guidelines from the GUI and ILGU.

We are finalizing this document and will communicate it to you shortly.


Time sheets for Monday, May 18th will open on Thursday, May 14th @ 4 pm.

Initially, we are playing 9 holes only in 3 Balls, on both the front and back 9 with 14-minute time slot intervals.


Booking must be made on time sheets, you may not enter onto the course without having a BRS booking, this is to assist with Contact Tracing should it be required.


Please note: Adult or Junior members that have not paid or engaged with the club regarding this year’s subscription will be blocked from booking on the time sheet and playing on our course.


Committee of Management

Some Superb Aerial views of the Golf Course

Take a look at these great photos

Taken using a Gopro 3+Black camera mounted on a DJI Phantom 1 drone on Sunday 3rd May, courtesy of Anthony Hand.

In particular, the two higher level shots offer unique views south (from 225 feet above the first tee) and north (from 200 feet above the fifth).

Hopefully we will see the course from the ground very soon!

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