Category: General News

All General Club News – See other sections for men’s, ladies and juvenile news

Final of the Spring Snooker

The final of the Spring Snooker competition was played on Wednesday 29th March. 32 players entered the knockouts in early January and following some very close battles, the finalists were Fran Costello and John McDonnell.   On the night John won 2-0 with both frames running to the pink ball.  Picture attached L-R, President Willie Prendergast, winner John McDonnell, referee Mike Weldon, runner-up Fran Costello and Men’s Vice Captain Stan Pyke.

Sports Funding Grant

Skerries GC received funding from Fingal Co Council via a Sports Funding Grant.


The purpose of the Sports Funding is to support community and voluntary sports groups and clubs to develop initiatives that support the development of sport and best practices.

Skerries GC used this funding to buy new mats for the practice areas for the use of all new members. As you can see from the photos some of our Junior girls are already getting great use of the same

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