Category: Juvenile & Junior Interclub Teams

All news to do with Juvenile and junior teams

Junior Boys narrowly lose out to Portmarnock

After a very competitive match,

which went to a playoff, Portmarnock went through to the fourth round of the Irish Junior Foursomes yesterday when they defeated Jim McDonnell’s Skerries team in a sunny but windy Portmarnock.

Our boys, Robert Kenny, Ethan McGarry, Jack O’Driscoll and Nathan Grimes, did the club proud – and it took a very strong team to beat them.

Looking forward to a hectic series of SIX Inter-Club matches this weekend.

SIX Inter-Club matches this weekend.

The Ladies have three teams playing on Saturday 25th May:

Junior Cup against Hollystown in Elmgreen Golf Club at 12 Noon – team managed by Hilda Cussen.

Challenge Cup against Ashbourne in County Meath Golf Club at 4:15 – team managed by Ailish Humphreys.

Junior Foursomes against Dundalk in Clontarf Golf Club at 4:00 – team managed by Noreen Giblin.

On Sunday 26th May, the Junior Boys team play their third round Irish Junior Foursomes match against Portmarnock at 2:00 in Portmarnock Golf Club – team managed by Jim McDonnell.

Our McDonnell Cup Team is also in action on Sunday against Sutton (we have three matches at home – from 2:00 – and two away).  The team is managed by Billy Concannon.

Our Ladies Intermediate Cup Team also plays on Sunday – against Headford in Moyvalley Golf Club at 12:45.  The team is managed by Patricia MacClancy.

Very best of luck to all!

Super Saturday for Skerries Teams

Congratulations to our Ladies Junior Cup team, our Ladies Intermediate team and our Boys Junior team.

Congratulations to our Ladies Junior Cup team (managed by Hilda Cussen) who beat Ardee Golf Club 3:2 on Saturday  in Greenore.  All were tight matches in very difficult conditions for golf.

The second Skerries win of the day went to the Ladies Intermediate team, managed by Patricia MacClancy, beating Blackbush Golf Club today in Hollystown.  Skerries won four matches.  The fifth match was 2 up and was called in going to the 16th.

Another great result for our boys junior team that won their Irish Foursomes match 5 up against a very strong Malahide team at Malahide today.

The tie is based on the aggregate score of the two pairings and was settled when we were 3up on the 17th and 2up on the 16th.

Our photo shows (left to right):

Nathan Grimes, Manager Jim McDonnell, Robert Kenny, Ethan McGarry, Captain Peter Lamont, Jack O’Driscoll.

No luck for Skerries in the Andy Desmond Trophy

Hard luck to our Junior Boys (under 20)

playing in the Island Golf Club last Thursday morning.  Played at Easter each year, the first two rounds of the Andy Desmond Trophy were called off last Monday (strong winds and rain) and were reconvened on Thursday.  Playing The Island on their home turf proved too much for the Skerries team of Ethan McGarry & Darragh Earley and Robert Kenny & Nathan Grimes.  Great experience for our lads who did Skerries proud.

Junior Boys win in Skerries against Donabate

Skerries won their first match in the Irish Junior Foursomes Trophy on Saturday 30th March against Donabate Golf Club.

Both teams played super golf, with the Skerries team of Robert Kenny (Captain) and Nathan Grimes, Ethan McGarry and Darragh Early, and Substitute Liam McGovern coming out on top with a 5 up aggregate.
Ethan and Darragh won 3&2 and Robert and Nathan were called in when 2 up through 16.

Congratulations to the team and their manager, Jim McDonnell, and a big thank you for the great support from the many Members who came out to watch.

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