
Clarification of situation with regards to Fallen Trees on the course

Clarification of situation with regards to Fallen Trees on the course

  • 1. Fallen Tree in Process of Being Removed.
    If a greenkeeper is in the process of sawing up a fallen tree, the tree in its entirety is Ground Under Repair (GUR) as it constitutes “material piled for removal”
  • 2. Fallen Tree Attached to Stump.
    The area covered by the tree is GUR
  • 3. Fallen Tree not attached to the Stump.
    a. Is a Loose Impediment and can be removed without penalty.
    b. If the tree cannot easily be moved it should be considered as GUR.
  • 4. Tree Stumps.
  • A tree stump is not GUR unless it is marked as GUR or it is in being unearthed or cut up for removal.
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