Dress Code

Skerries Golf Club likes to keep with the traditions of golf but is very aware of the times we live in today. It is in all our interests to maintain certain standards both on the course and in our clubhouse. To maintain standards for both our members and visitors the following standards must be adhered to.

On the golf course

  • Neat, casual wear only permitted.
  • Tailored shorts may be worn with appropriate sports socks.
  • Trouser legs must not be tucked into socks.
  • Hats and caps must be worn as they were designed.
  • Golf shoes must be worn (soft spikes are recommended)
  • Denim Jeans, Singlet’s, Football, Rugby, Soccer and similar Jerseys, Cargo Pants / Combats, Tracksuit Pants are not permitted on the golf course.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed to be used on the course except in an emergency.

In the clubhouse

  • Neat casual wear must be worn in the clubhouse at all times.
  • Golf shoes, golf hats or caps are not permitted in the bar/restaurant areas.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times when in the Bar / Dining Room.
  • Denim jeans with tears are not permitted in the clubhouse.
  • We recommend that mobile phones should be switched to “silent”, when in the bar/restaurant areas. Should you wish to take a call please use the landing or foyer areas to do so.
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