
Irish Mixed Foursomes v Malahide Golf Club

Our Irish Mixed Foursomes team with two pairings at home and three away recorded a great victory on Sunday 2nd April 2017 against the 2015 Leinster Champions, Malahide Golf Club. It all came down to the last putt on the 18th hole in Malahide where Paul O’Donoghue and Bridgeen Kiernan secured the vital away win. They were ably backed up in Malahide by Kingsley Lewis and Joan O’Brien and Martin Coleman and Ronnie O’Loghlen.

At home in Skerries GC, Sheila McLoughlin playing with David Ward and Peter Kenny playing with Nuala McMahon (who also won with last putt on the 18th!!) secured the two home wins.

It was a great performance by the whole team and congratulations to all players and their nerve wrecked team managers. A big thank you to all those that supported our team both in Skerries and Malahide Golf Club.

It’s Balcarrick Golf Club in the next round which has to be played on or before 30th April 2017.

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