
Member Update , Thursday 1st November 2018

Just a few matters to make you aware of –


As previously indicated, the new Membership Development Taskforce recommended and it was subsequently endorsed by the Committee of Management to offer a special membership deal to attract new members to Skerries Golf Club.

The main details of the offer are as follows:

• Full Membership till the end of December 2019 for €895.

• 5 Day Membership till the end of December 2019 for €600.

• Discounts for new Intermediate members.

• Lessons from the Club Professional at a reduced rate for those who join before 31st December 2018.

• GUI/ILGU levies and Golfers Insurance are extra (Men €51, Ladies €55)

• This offer is available to new members or members returning after an absence of at least 5 years.

Increasing and retaining our membership numbers in the coming years will be a vital part of securing the financial wellbeing of Skerries Golf Club. Accordingly, our Chairman Tom McDonnell is asking all members to please support this initiative and to actively promote this offer in whatever way they can.

The initial response from member contacts continues to be encouraging, but I would ask all members to please keep promoting the deal amongst family and friends and to raise awareness wherever possible.

In the coming week, we are also following through with a ‘leaflet’ drop of our Membership Brochure/Offer in the local areas of Skerries/Loughshinny, Lusk, Rush, Donabate/Portrane. We would welcome an indication from members that they have received their leaflet so that we can monitor the success/effectiveness of this initiative. Members could acknowledge receipt of their leaflet on indicating your location.


Please note that the following Men’s HAMPER Competitions will take place during November –

Saturday 3rd – Men’s 12 Hole Fourball Stableford
Sunday 4th – Men’s 12 Hole Singles Stableford
Sunday 11th – Men’s 12 Hole Fourball Stableford
Wednesday 14th – Men’s 12 Hole Singles Stableford
Saturday 17th – Men’s 12 Holes Singles Stableford
Saturday 24th – Men’s 12 Holes Fourball Stableford
Sunday 25th – Men’s 12 Hole Singles Stableford


Please note that the Members Remembrance Service scheduled for Monday 5th November in the Club Diary will not be going ahead. However, please note that a Parish Remembrance Mass will be taking place that evening at St. Patrick’s Church at 19.30 hours.


I am sure a lot of members are aware, but for those who are not, in both the Men’s and Ladies Locker Room a Book Swap/Library operates. Members may bring in books they have now read and swap them for ones they have possibly not read. There is no cost for this scheme and it is open to all.


*Saturday 1st December – Ladies Christmas Dinner
*Wednesday 5th December – Wednesday Club Christmas Meal
*Friday 7th December – Christmas Party Night
*Saturday 8th December – Member Christmas Party
*Saturday 15th December – Christmas Party Night
*Tuesday 1st January 2019 – Captain’s Drive In

Thank you,

Mark Gannon
General Manager

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