
Message from the Golfing Unions – Golf Ireland Transition Board Confirmed

Golf Ireland Transition Board Confirmed

​​In addition to Tim O’Connor as independent Chair, there are eight other Board Directors, four nominees each from the GUI and ILGU

As you will be aware, a single governing body for golf in Ireland was approved by both GUI and ILGU delegates at meetings held in January. A transition period has begun and the first meeting of the Transition Board of Golf Ireland, chaired by Tim O’Connor (Edmondstown), was held on March 12th. In addition to Tim as independent Chair, there are eight other Board Directors, four nominees from each organisation: Pauline Bailie (Belvoir Park), Mary Culliton (The Heath), Ian Kerr (Royal Portrush), Brege McCarrick (Mullingar), Joe McNamara (The Heath), John Power (Portmarnock), Brian Punch (Castletroy) and Fiona Scott (Dun Laoghaire). The board is charged with getting Golf Ireland up and running ahead of the official launch of the body in early 2021.

What this means

Until Golf Ireland is established in 2021 and transfer of functions from the GUI and ILGU commence, it is business-as-usual for both the GUI and ILGU. This means that you continue to communicate with us as you always have done. General queries, including those relating to handicapping and rules, should be directed to your relevant GUI officer or ILGU District Official. Get into Golf programmes are still managed by the Confederation of Golf in Ireland while coaching programmes at underage level are managed by your provincial branch offices in the case of the GUI and Women and Girls’ Interprovincial Development queries should be directed to your ILGU District Executive.
Please note the contact details at for details on who to communicate with.

A Transition Period, under the direction of the Transition Board is underway as we move towards Golf Ireland. The intention is for this to culminate with the first AGM and Regional meetings of Golf Ireland in the final quarter of 2020 which will pave the way for the organisation to ‘go live’ on 1 January 2021.
The transition period will involve the organisation taking shape through the creation of a regional and national structure and the drawing up of rules and processes to underpin the activities of the organisation, all overseen by a CEO who will be appointed during the Transition Period. The Transition Board will issue quarterly reports on topics being discussed and progress being made as the work of the Board continues.

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