Tag: Matrix

2017 Ladies 9 Hole Qualifying Handicap Matrix

You may be aware that the Ladies Course SSS (Standard Scratch Score) has changed from 74 to 75. As we play 9 Hole Qualifying Competitions in our Club, this has had an impact on our 9 Hole Qualifying handicap calculations.

We have generated new “Ready Reckoners” to allow you to select your correct handicap when playing 9 Hole Qualifying golf competitions. You will need to know your Exact Handicap when selecting your 9 Hole Qualifying handicap (you will find your Exact Handicap on the Handicap Board in the office in the locker room or you can also check Golfnet).

Ready Reckoners have been placed as follows:-

  1. On the 2nd board on the left in the ladies locker room office (just past the window).
  2. On the wall beside the swipe-in computer in the Pro shop.
  3. In the Ladies section of the Club website.


2017 9 Hole Qualifying Handicap Matrix

If you are interested in working out your own 9 Hole Qualifying Handicap, this is the calculation (as specified in CONGU Paragraph 22.3).

[Exact Handicap + Nine-Hole SSS – (Nine-Hole Par x2)] / 2

In Skerries our Nine Hole SSS is 75 and our Nine Hole Par is 34.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of the Handicap Committee and we will be happy to help.

Ladies Handicap Committee

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