Month: June 2020

Competition Entry App

There has been a new feature issued on “HowDidIDo” which allows you to sign-in to our competitions and enter your score – this will avoid having to use the touchscreen, could be generally very useful and falls in line with the World Handicapping System plans.

You do need to be signed up on “HowDidIDo”.

Download the App to your phone.

Register, Name, Club etc

On the Mobile App —

  • Prior to starting the competition
    • Select the icon on the top right (3 horizontal bars)
    • Select “Today’s Golf”
    • Select “Sign In”
    • Select the “Test – Mobile App” competition
  • At the end of your Round – (it is not capable yet of allowing you to enter your score after every hole)
    • Select the icon on the top right (3 horizontal bars)
    • Select “Today’s Golf”
    • Select “Score Entry”
    • Then enter your scores – it is quite intuitive
  • Initially, this will only work for singles competitions, but it will be rolled out for use in fourballs and team events in time.
  • When using the App, you MUST sign into the competition prior to playing and you Must also return your score as soon as you have completed your round.


Please also download our Club V1 app if you have not already done so, using this App you can now top up your accounts online. Lots of other useful information available on the App like account balances, competition scores etc.


Saturday, 6th June 2020

In light of the large volume of queries received, the GUI and ILGU would like to clarify the situation which led to its communication to golfers and golf clubs confirming that club competitions would not be permitted in Phase 2.

In mid-April the GUI and ILGU submitted a draft Protocol to Government which outlined the means by which the Unions felt that golf could be re-introduced on a safe, low-risk basis. This submission by the Unions ultimately led to golf being included, as one of only two named sports, in Phase 1 of the Government’s Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business.

Once the Unions became aware of the phased approach taken by Government, Golf’s Protocol was updated to include phases matching those in the Government’s Roadmap and the Union’s submitted their updated Protocol to Government, including an Appendix setting out Golf’s phased plan. The Appendix indicated that Club competitions would be allowed in Phase 2.

The GUI and ILGU then issued the Protocol to clubs and golfers, emphasising that:

“Public health measures are likely to be continually updated by the Government. Even if golf continues to be allowed in such circumstances, the Protocol governing the safe playing of the game may be updated in line with any changes to public health measures.”

Phase 1 of Golf’s Protocol was subsequently approved by the Government appointed Expert Group on the Return to Sport. Feedback from the group was silent in relation to Phase 2 and subsequent phases.

On the week commencing 25th May, the Unions submitted their detailed Protocol for Phase 2 to Government, including some easing in restrictions relating to group sizes and tee-time intervals, indicating that the Protocol would be published and issued to affiliated clubs on Monday, 1st June.

On Wednesday, 3rd June, the Expert Group on the Return to Sport met and considered Phase 2 protocols from various sports. At this meeting, the Group decided that competitions across all team and individual sports would not be permitted in Phase 2. This was communicated to the Unions on Thursday, 4th June.

Clearly, the Unions remained of the view that golf competitions, played under that conditions set out in Appendix 2 of the Unions Phase 2 Protocol, posed no additional risk to golfers. This was communicated to Sport Ireland on the afternoon of Thursday, 4th June and Sport Ireland were asked to reconsider the position.

On the afternoon of Friday, 5th June, Sport Ireland confirmed the decision of the Expert Group, as follows:

“An important point is that the Expert Group advises against any competitive sport in Phase 2. That is a general point across all sports and not directed at golf specifically although relevant to your plans. Fairness and consistency of the application of advice across all sport is an important element of the mandate of the Expert Group.


There is a rationale behind that advice. Phase 2 remains a high risk Phase with COVID 19 still active in community settings. People are encouraged to return to sport and physical activity but strictly within public health guidelines. There are significant relaxations of the protocols but caution is still recommended. Competition in sport is not advised as it means higher intensity activity, more people involved in a particular event and an incentive for people to travel beyond the 20 km limit.


We understand your point that closed club competitions were included in protocols submitted some weeks ago. However, the Expert Group works on a Phase by Phase basis as the public health advice can change. Phase 2 was only considered on June 3 and it is understood that the public health emergency is an evolving situation with a high level of uncertainty from week to week. NGBs have to plan ahead but those plans are subject to change depending on Government approval and advice.”


The Unions then issued their statement to clubs confirming that competitions could not be played in Phase 2.

On the morning of Saturday, 6th June, the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport issued a Press Release (See: confirming the decision of the Expert Group. The Press Release states:

“On this occasion, the Expert Group emphasized that the resumption of permitted sporting activity under phase 2 related to team sports training (but not matches) where social distancing can be maintained and where there is no contact. The focus is on team training, not on the playing of team games.


Accordingly, the Expert Group confirmed that training matches, friendlies, competitive fixtures or competitions in individual or team sport are not included under phase two; these will arise in later phases.”


The GUI and ILGU acknowledge the work of the Expert Group in the complex matter of  getting sport re-started in a safe manner and particularly, for the progressive approach the Group has taken in deciding that golf would be included from Phase 1. We will continue to work with the Group as we progress through the Roadmap.

The Unions welcome the easing of travel restrictions from 8th June, and their proposed elimination from Phase 3, which will allow increased access to golf courses and the potential for additional revenue generation from green fees.

Finally, we would like to commend our member clubs and golfers for the manner in which they have embraced Golf’s Protocol during Phase 1 and we welcome the fact that our game continues to provide an outlet to people in these challenging times.

Alan Kelly

Communications & Academy Manager

Golfing Union of Ireland

Potential Constitutional Difficulties during the Covid 19 Pandemic

As you will be well aware the current Covid-19 Pandemic has created extraordinary challenges for health, family, work, recreation and all aspects of normal living. These unprecedented challenges have affected every aspect of peoples lives and although we are beginning to see some easing of restrictions the future continues to remain uncertain in terms of a full return to normality. With this in mind and in anticipation of the normal Constitutional requirements for Annual General Meetings, Election of Officers etc. the Committee of Management is mindful of how current circumstances could impact the Clubs ability to function properly and in line with the Club Constitution.


Questions that arise for immediate consideration include the following:-


  • The ability to hold an AGM/SGM with current social distancing restrictions in place
  • The ability to conduct business, including amending the Club Constitution, to deal with issues that arise as a result of occurrences such as Covid -19


In that regard it is been agreed by the Committee of Management that a Special General Meeting would be required to deal with such emerging issues and in that event, I will keep you promptly informed of developments as they arise.

Yours faithfully

Terry O’Neill

Honorary Secretary

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