
Senior Cup 2018 – Metropolitan Area Qualifier

This year’s Senior Cup Metropolitan Qualifier took place in Laytown/Bettystown Golf Club on weekend of 23rd/24th June.

Preparations followed on from Barton Shield Panel in May/June with the addition of  Mick Ahern, John O’Brien and Brian Leonard to complete 8-man Senior Cup Panel. Once again, excellent efforts of preparation with a number visits to Laytown by all panel members, ably assisted by Sam Devey (recent past member of Laytown), despite Sam’s own unavailability for selection due to exam finals.

Panel: Edward McNally, Kingsley Lewis, David Garrigan, Harry McHugh, Sam Devey, Mick Ahern, John O’Brien and Brian Leonard. The Panel, once again, as with Barton Shield, were unstinting in preparation/practice despite work and family obligations.

On Saturday 23rd June, Skerries Golf Club arrived early to Laytown to commence our participation in this most Major of GUI Competitions with our first matchplay fixture v Ardee at 8.50 a.m. The 5-man team for this first fixture was as follows: Kingsley Lewis, Edward McNally, Mick Ahern, Harry McHugh and David Garrigan. Reserves: John O’Brien and Brian Leonard.

Our team performed with great courage and commitment and we prevailed with with Kingsley winning his match on the 21st hole, to give us the 3/2 result after Mick and Eddie had won their respective matches.

Following lunch our afternoon opponents were Black Bush. There was one team change with David unavailable for afternoon fixture, John O’Brien was brought into the team.

Another titanic battle took place with Skerries once again prevailing with Mick winning his match on the 19th hole to give us another 3/2 result after Eddie and Harry had won their respective matches. Great excitement and good “buzz” amongst Panel at what they had achieved.

Dinner was an enjoyable experience as the Panel reflected on the two wins.

Then it was time to think about the play-off the next morning v Co. Louth.

With David available for Sunday morning we fielded our original starting five of  Kingsley, Eddie, Mick, David and Harry. Co. Louth were “a different kettle of fish” with a number of plus handicap players.

We battled just as bravely as on Saturday, but were overcome and lost 4/1. Although we lost first three matches, the last two were “still alive”, with Harry 1 up and David 3 down with 5 to play and “fighting back”, when called in.

Sincerest congratulations to our Panel of  Kingsley, Eddie, Mick, David, Harry and John and Brian.  It was an honour, privilege and a pleasure to have been given the opportunity to manage this incredibly committed  small group/panel of  Senior Cup players who represented Skerries Golf Club in exemplary manner, both on and off the course.

Many thanks also go to Captain, Dominic, Vice-Captain, Tom, President, Celly, Overall Team Manager, Paul and those who turned up to to support team.

Frank O’Hara  & Larry Mooney
Senior Cup Managers

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