
McDonnell Cup Team loses out to Sutton

Very hard luck

to our McDonnell Cup team, managed by Billy Concannon, who were beaten yesterday when Sutton managed to take one of the three matches in Skerries.

While the sun came out for most of the round and temperatures were good, the strong breeze made for challenging conditions. Mens Captain Peter Lamont welcomed both sets of players on the 1st tee and followed the matches around.

The Home Matches

 Match 1 : Paul Rogers & Joe Byrne

Match 2 : Alan Early & Michael Cauldwell

Match 3 : Pat Loughman & Gerry Lloyd

Skerries raced into a quick lead with the impressive pairing of Alan Early & Michael Cauldwell (both making their debuts for Skerries) going 4 up after 4 holes. The other home pairings of Paul Rogers & Joe Byrne and Pat Loughman & Gerry Lloyd were also doing well on the front 9 against strong opposition in very tight matches, both turning 1 up.

 Sutton started to raise their game on the back 9 and eventually ran out 4 and 1 winners, with Alan Early & Michael Cauldwell winning their match.

 The standard of golf played by both sets of players was extremely high, with one Skerries pairing close to level par.

The visiting team were very complimentary of the condition of the course and the welcome they received in Skerries.

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