
Covid-19 related Course and Club Restrictions – issued by Committee of Management 16th March 2020

As you will be all too well aware our country, and indeed the world, is experiencing truly exceptional times. As a club, our Number One priority is the safety and wellbeing of our members, our staff, and all who have reason to visit the club. Equally, we are committed to playing our part in the national effort to stem the tide of this virus. To that end the Committee of Management have been closely monitoring the Covid-19 situation daily and all advisory notices from HSE.

Following an emergency meeting last night the COM have decided to take the following actions, in the interests of the health and safety of our members and staff with immediate effect.

• The Course will remain open for members ONLY and no visitors or guests are allowed
• All Club Competitions have been suspended, though the timesheets will remain in operation via BRS
• All Inter Club Competitions remain postponed until further notice. This includes Team Practice at away venues

Junior Golf
At the recommendation of the Junior Committee all Junior Golfers are temporarily suspended from playing golf or accessing the Club facilities. Junior Members are not to attempt to meet or congregate in the environs of the Golf Club. This will be kept under close review

Club House
• The Bar and Restaurant are now closed until further notice in line with Government recommendations
• The Main Clubhouse will close from 5pm on Tuesday 17th March, and members who use the club locker rooms to store golf clubs and other equipment are requested to remove their golf clubs if they wish to have access to their clubs after this date

Administration Office
The Main Office will remain open but will only deal with phone or email enquiries as the preferred means of communication. For written queries there is a post box located to the side of the Admin entrance. Please do not use this for the payment of monies, rather give the envelope to the Pro Shop.

Coming from Abroad
Any members returning from an affected area are asked not to visit the club for a period of two weeks. Relevant affected areas are areas which the Dept. of Foreign Affairs have classified as:-
• High Degree of caution
• Avoid non-essential travel
• Do Not travel
See link across for Country by Country classification

General Advice
As a further reminder, we advise the following:
• It is requested while using the practice grounds to exercise the social distancing guidelines and not to share equipment.
• Avoid handshakes, high-fives and other embraces associated with the etiquette of the game.
• When playing golf, where possible, do not touch or remove the pin/flag from the hole, refrain from handling other golfers’ clubs, golf balls and scorecards.
• Practice social distancing on course.
• Avoid any unnecessary interaction with the Course Staff.

All the above restrictions/actions are in place until Sunday 29th March initially and will be reviewed as we go forward and members will be informed of any changes, or extensions in due course.
We would ask for your understanding and adherence to the above actions during these difficult times. May you, your families and loved ones remain safe.

Committee of Management
16th March 2020

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