Author: Communications Committee

Newsletter May 2021

We have created a new monthly newsletter to keep members up to date with what is happening across all aspects of the club. There are lots of opportunities to offer feedback and to get involved, so take a look and let us know what you think! 

To view the newsletter full screen, click the 4 arrow icon on the bottom toolbar. To exit full-screen, press ESC on your keyboard or click the 4 arrow icon once more.

Skerries Golf Club Newsletter (MAY 2021)


PODCAST: State of the industry address – Golf’s return after lockdown

Irish Golfer has released an industry podcast

over the weekend to mark the anniversary of the first cessation of golf due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Access it here:

or here:

With so much coverage and negative comments online and on social media around 2021 membership renewals and our return to golf, the Podcast is aimed at balancing the debate and trying to get golfers to understand the huge problems clubs are experiencing over the lockdown period.
Four guests took part in the Podcast, Pat Finn (past CEO of the GUI), Ed Pettit (MD of Carr Golf Services), Paul Vaughan ( Director of Golf at Ardglass) & Mark Ruddy (General Manager at Lucan GC). In it, they discussed a variety of topics facing golf clubs as we hopefully get back to playing in early April.

Statement on golf in the Republic of Ireland December 24th 2020

Statement on golf in the Republic of Ireland

24 Dec 2020

Update –  24th December 2020:

Update to guidance for Golf Clubs in the Republic of Ireland during Level 5

Sport Ireland have today (24th December) issued a further update to the current Level 5 measures, which will remain in place until 12th January 2021. This will require golf clubs to urgently note the following additional points:

  • Participants in sport and exercise in unsupervised/uncoached activity must be from no more than two households.
  • Therefore, groups playing on golf courses during these Level 5 measures must be confined to a maximum of two households.
  • This means that all tee times must be either two-balls, or alternatively three-balls and four-balls where players in the group are from no more than two households. A household for these purposes includes a household support bubble, guidance for which is available here:

We have made Sport Ireland aware of the issues regarding the implementation of this change in the short-term as timesheets for golf club activities are likely in operation for at least the next several days. However, we are urging golf clubs to update their timesheet booking systems to take account of this changed guidance as soon as possible.

These additional requirements from Sport Ireland come against a backdrop of escalating public health challenges with the incidence of COVID-19 rising exponentially in Ireland. Golf Ireland therefore strongly encourages golf clubs to implement this change, and in doing so continue to exhibit the high level of compliance that has made it possible for our sport to continue to remain open and accessible during the current Level 5 measures.

The above update must be read in conjunction with our previous statement issued on 22 December  below.


Statement from 22nd December 2020
Following continued discussions with government authorities and Sport Ireland, Golf Ireland welcomes the fact that golf courses and facilities will be permitted to remain open as the Republic of Ireland moves again to Level 5 on a phased basis from 24 December.

The guidance issued by Golf Ireland on 27 November 2020 continues to apply to all golf clubs (see here: ), with the following important updates:
At 3pm on 24 December, Restaurants and pubs operating as restaurants will close. After this point, clubhouse access should once again be confined to use of toilet facilities (provided they can be kept clean) and initial retrieval of golf equipment from lockers. If toilet facilities are open, clubs should adopt a one-in, one-out approach. Outdoor dining is not permitted, and golfers should depart the facility following the conclusion of their game as soon as possible.

From 26th December, inter-county travel restrictions will be reintroduced and will, as always, apply to sporting activity.

While all retail, including pro shops, are permitted to remain open, the Government is asking all retailers to defer any plans for January sales events (see for more).

Further guidance will be issued to clubs in line as and when government change the current Level 5 status.

Clubs seeking guidance on Annual General Meetings are encouraged to email for support.

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