
Captains’ Drive-In 2018

Monday January 1st 2018 saw in excess of 150 members of Skerries Golf Club braving the bitter cold at the first tee to witness Lady Captain Ciara Boylan and Mens’ Captain Dominic Henry take the first drives of the 2018 Season.

Girls’ Captain Sadhbh Culleton and Boys Captain Ethan McGarry both delivered their respective drives with considerable aplomb to the great delight of their families and many friends.   To Ciara and Dominic’s great relief they both sent their balls sailing down the first fairway to tumultuous applause and cheering.

After the customary photos of the Captains with their respective families, everyone retired to the Club House, and most enjoyed a complementary hot beverage to get the blood flowing again. Ciara, followed by Dominic then addressed those assembled to thank all who has supported them and to outline, their plans to ensure the club continues on it’s growth path in terms of the social, golfing, and financial ambitions they aspire to. Both particularly emphasised the importance of encouraging new members to join and to unstintingly support Junior Golfers – who are after all – the future of the club.

A wonderful afternoon of banter and celebrations ensued, with most of those in attendance enjoying a beautiful four course dinner – the first opportunity for many to sample the considerable culinary expertise of the Club’s new caterer Thomas Fitzpatrick. Music and singing continued late into the evening and the day unquestionably ranks as one of – if not the most – successful and enjoyable Drive Ins the club has witnessed in many years.

Attractive membership packages are available to those considering joining our friendly and welcoming club. A simple phone call to the office on (01) 8491567 is all that’s needed to get the ball rolling. The Club wishes Ciara, Dominic, Sadhbh and Ethan every success and most of all an enjoyable and fulfilling golfing season for 2018.

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