Category: General News

All General Club News – See other sections for men’s, ladies and juvenile news

Golf Etiquette

As our competitive season is getting underway again, can we remind you all to be mindful of Etiquette and Safety on our golf course?

Please see below some notes for the “R&A” on this.

Golf Etiquette

Etiquette is an integral part of the game, defining golf’s core values . It describes the manner in which the game of golf should be played to ensure all players gain maximum enjoyment.

In short, it’s about “respect”:

  • Respect for the course – leave the course as you would like to find it by repairing pitch-marks, replacing divots and raking bunkers
  • Respect for your fellow players – be sportsmanlike and polite, stay by the green to watch them hole out, and avoid distracting them
  • Respect for the game – by knowing the Rules and etiquette of golf


Player’s should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like when they make a stroke or practice swing.

Wait until the players in front are out of range. Players should always alert greenstaff nearby or ahead when they are about to make a stroke that might endanger them.

If your ball is heading in a direction where there is a danger of it hitting someone, shout a warning immediately. The traditional word of warning is “fore”

Men’s Committee

Fair and Consistent Handicapping – #TheFairWay

Governing bodies lead #TheFairWay for Irish Golf in 2018

Handicapping, one of the hottest topics in golf, is the subject of a new awareness campaign from the Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI) and the Irish Ladies Golf Union (ILGU).

The governing bodies for golf in Ireland have joined forces in an effort to tackle cheating and safeguard integrity in the handicapping system. 

“There is still a culture of tolerating handicap cheating in golf. Just because others are cheating the system does not make it okay,” says Pat Finn, CEO of the GUI.

“For club golfers, the integrity of the game depends on each individual observing the spirit and intent of the handicapping system,” says Sinead Heraty, CEO of the ILGU.

The awareness campaign runs over two weeks from 21 March to 4 April. Golf clubs and their members will have access to key information and resources on handicapping through the GUI and ILGU website,

Handicap secretaries will find a how-to guide and players can access an index of key definitions as well as an extensive list of frequently asked questions. Your Golf Handicap, a pocket sized handicap booklet produced by the GUI and ILGU, is being  published and issued to all clubs as part of the campaign.

Handicapping is a fundamental aspect of the game. The GUI and ILGU, through their member clubs, are responsible for the administration of The Council of National Golf Unions (CONGU) Unified Handicapping System (UHS) in Ireland.

The main focus of the handicap awareness campaign is player responsibilities.

“Consistent handicapping demands the return of all scores from players with a CONGU handicap. It is the obligation of the player to ensure that all scores, both home and away, are returned to ensure fairness for all within the game,” says Sinead Heraty.

“Handicapping committees in the Union work extremely hard to ensure that clubs are compliant with the system. Compliance Reviews are conducted by officials on a regular basis to ensure that the handicap system is being applied consistently by Clubs. Despite this significant workload, the onus still rests with players to try their best every time they play,” says Pat Finn

Unlike most sports, golf is largely played in the absence of a referee. As with the Rules of Golf, the handicapping system relies on the integrity of the individual for the game to be fair and equitable. The GUI and ILGU guide club handicap committees about the application and implementation of the handicapping system.

Golf’s unique handicapping system provides a means for every player to compete on an equal footing, making the game as inclusive as possible. Not only does it level the playing field, the handicap system makes allowance for beginners, children and adults alike, players of declining ability and golfers with disabilities. It is because of the handicapping system that parents get to compete side-by-side with their children or grandparents get the chance to tee it up alongside a grandchild.

You can access a copy of the CONGU UHS Manual for free online at

Keep up to date with everything that’s happening throughout the campaign by following our social media channels.




Intermediate Membership Information

At the Joint Club AGM last November the members agreed to the revamp of the Intermediate Grade and removed the requirement that meant you had to have been a previous Junior or University Member of Skerries Golf Club to qualify for Intermediate Membership.

As a Parent / Grandparent / Uncle or Aunt or Godparent you may be aware of a Son or Daughter, Grandchild, Niece or Nephew or Godchild between the ages of 19 and 33 years of age that may have considered taking up golf in the past but considered it too expensive to do so.

If you are a current Intermediate member of Skerries Golf Club you may be aware of members in your social circles that might consider joining you on the golf course.

The current Intermediate Membership is open to both Males and Females and is divided into Four Categories.

  • Aged 19 years to 24 years on 1st January € 376 per annum
  • Aged 25 years to 27 years on 1st January € 676 per annum*
  • Aged 28 years to 29 years on 1st January € 851 per annum*
  • Aged 30 years to 33 years on 1st January €1,051 per annum*
    *Includes € 125 Bar Levy

Please note that any Lady Intermediate Members will pay €4 extra per annum due to the higher rate for Irish Ladies Golfing Union Insurance.

Never before has there being a better incentive to take up Golf, make new friends and become part of the Skerries Golfing Family.

If you know of anyone who would like to avail of this offer which is limited please contact or have the person interested call into our Admin Office during working hours or you / they can download the application form from the Club Website at

Yours in Golf

Austin Gill
Membership Sub Committee.

Download Application Form

Course Closure Notice

This notice is to confirm that the course is now closed for Saturday and Sunday with Monday remaining in significant doubt. Unfortunately this is due to very significant rainfall this week which is on-going and predicted to last well into Sunday. For safety and course preservation reasons it has been decided to take this action.

Members will be alerted via Pro Shop phone message and Website of any updates. Bar and Restaurant will be open.

Regards and Happy St.Patricks Day to all.

Course Committee

Captains’ Charities for 2018

As this weekend is usually the official start of season, we’d like to take this opportunity of wishing you all a very successful year in golf – hopefully we’re finished with all the bad weather and there’ll be sunshine for the rest of the year!

We’d like to announce that our charities for this year will be St Vincent De Paul and St Michael’s House.   In order to bring a bit of fun to the Club we have decided to make the 9th and 18th holes Charity holes.   If you land in any  of the bunkers in these holes you are asked to donate €1 to the charity fund.  There will be a collection box in the bar for this.  It’s for fun and not mandatory, but please do join in!

Happy St Patrick’s Day to you all and hopefully you’ll come up to the Club tonight for what promises to be a great night!

Lady Captain Ciara & Captain Dominic


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