Category: General News

All General Club News – See other sections for men’s, ladies and juvenile news

Christmas Snooker Knockout Competition

Although the rain pours and the course is battered by one storm after another I must bring you to things Christmassy.

The Christmas snooker tournament will run from 1st Nov 2017, concluding with the grand final on 17th December, all are welcome to enjoy this primarily fun tournament.

The current champion is Tommy O’Brien, with runner up Paul O’Donoghue, we look forward to seeing both in the competition.

The system is run on a handicap basis, singles format and each round is knockout. The early rounds are single frame changing to best of 3 from the quarter final round.

Entry is limited to 64, a sheet will be available at the bar and the fee is €5 in an envelope, to the bar staff please.

The draw will be published on 30th October and posted in the Bar.

Looking forward to a good fun competition.

For any queries please contact Tommy O’Brien or Mark Walls.

Yours in Golf and Snooker

Tommy and Mark

Joint Captain’s Charity Day – Thank You

We would like to thank all members, and guests, for your support of our joint Charity Day. We were very pleased with the large number of members who participated in the Competitions of the day and, who made donations, without whose support the Day (and night) would not have been the success it was. In thanking all participants we would also like to acknowledge the many members who contributed to the planning of the day and the competitions, Paul O’Neill and Mary Browne and their respective teams of volunteers, Ian McGloughlin and his team for organising the social support program and those who assisted on the day in any way, accepting entries, selling Raffle Tickets, Mulligans, Nearest-the-pin entries and those who presented prizes. Overall it was a marvellous team event and hopefully an enjoyable day for all.

We are delighted to report that proceeds of the day amounted to €5,400 which will be divided equally between our chosen Charities, St Michael’s House and SOSAD, both active in our local community.

Presentation of the cheques, in the amount of €2,700 each, is scheduled for 8.30 pm on the evening of the Annual Prize-giving on Saturday October 28th. We look forward to a full attendance.

Again, many thanks to you all for your generous support, which we very much appreciated and will no doubt provide much needed financial assistance to both Charities.

Yours in Golf,

Nuala MacMahon, Lady Captain

Peter Donnelly, Captain





Taxi Facility For Annual Prize Giving 28th October 2017

We can confirm that their will be a dedicated and exclusive Taxi Service  for members of  Skerries Golf Club attending the above function from 10.30pm to get you home.

Ciaran Gibbons has a 8 seater taxi . He will charge a minimum fee of €5.00 per person.

On the night their will be a book inside the main door where you can insert your name, where you are going, number of people and approx time you would like to depart.

House and Social Committee

Annual Presentation Night – 28th October 2017

The Annual Presentation of Prize’s Night will be held on the 28th October at 8.30pm to congratulate and celebrate with those that won our major competitions throughout the year.

We plan to celebrate in to the early hours with entertainment arranged by our Social Committee to the sounds of “ JAKKI “ who will sing for us on the night.

The caterer is preparing a menu for the night for those that want to dine that evening.

The Menu when confirmed will follow. To book your table contact Tommy on 849 3135.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the night

Austin Gill & Mary Concannon
Admin Officers
Men’s & Ladies Committees

GUI Update – Clubs set to decide on inter-club proposals


A series of questions will be put to clubs on changes to current inter-club events and the introduction of new competitions to broaden appeal at this year’s Annual Delegates’ Meetings (ADMs) in November.

The proposals for change, which will ultimately be decided upon by the Union’s member clubs at these meetings, come after a lengthy review process which involved a survey of 4,000 golfers, a focus group of 12 golf club members and a series of internal discussions between the Provincial Councils and the Union’s Rules & Competitions Committee.

In an acknowledgement of the competitive gulf between the AIG Senior and Junior Cups and the evolution of standards in these competitions since their introduction over 100 years ago, the Connacht, Leinster and Munster Provincial Councils will ask clubs to vote on a change in the handicap limit of the AIG Junior Cup from 5 to 4.

The Connacht and Munster Provincial Councils will also propose a series of motions seeking to introduce concomitant changes in the other handicap-based competitions, in which the AIG Jimmy Bruen Shield individual handicap limit would be lowered from 6 to 5, with the minimum combined handicap to be lowered from 17 to 15. A further proposal from the Munster Council would lower the AIG Pierce Purcell Shield individual handicap limit from 12 to 11, with the maximum combined handicap to be lowered from 27 to 25.

The final of these handicap-based motions will also ask clubs to vote on changes to the GUI All-Ireland Four-Ball competition, lowering the individual handicap limit from 16 to 15 and that of the pair from 36 to 34.

The Leinster Provincial Council will propose a motion seeking to amend the format of the Pierce Purcell Shield from Foursomes to Scotch Foursomes, a format where two players play from the tee with the better tee-shot then being selected and alternate shots being played from then until the completion of the hole.

In addition, the Leinster, Ulster and Connacht Provincial Councils will co-sponsor a motion seeking the introduction of a new All-Ireland inter-club competition for over-55s, while the Leinster and Connacht Councils will join together to propose a motion to introduce a new All-Ireland inter-club nett competition for junior golfers under 18 years of age, which would replace the current Junior Foursomes competition.

The Provincial Councils will publish specific rationales for the motions being proposed ahead of the meetings at which the votes will be taken. All in all, however, the motions seek to respond to an identified need for new competitions to appeal more broadly to the golfing population while enhancing the competitive profile of the current events.

Golf Club members are encouraged to discuss the proposed changes – and indeed to encourage their Clubs to propose their own should they have views on how the events should change. Clubs have already been notified of the deadline for motions by their Branch Offices – these are 16th October (Leinster), 17th October (Connacht), 18th October (Munster) and 19th October (Ulster), with each falling 42 days before the relevant ADM.

The changes will be voted on under a new voting system this year, with every club casting one ballot weighted based on the number of delegates they are entitled to send to the meeting.
In a departure from previous years, every single vote cast at each of the four Annual Delegates’ Meetings will be counted and the overall result will determine whether these changes are introduced.

The motions in full:
1. That the form of play for the AIG Pierce Purcell Shield be modified to Scotch Foursomes.
Proposed by the Leinster Provincial Council

2. That the Union introduce a new All-Ireland Seniors Inter-Club team event for golfers over the age of 55
Proposed by the Leinster, Connacht and Ulster Provincial Councils

3. That the Union introduce a new nett Under-18 Inter-Club event for five-man teams with full handicaps applying, to replace the Junior Foursomes
Proposed by the Leinster and Connacht Provincial Councils

4. That the lower handicap limit of the AIG Junior Cup be reduced from 5 to 4.
Proposed by the Connacht, Leinster and Munster Provincial Councils

5. That, in the Jimmy Bruen Shield, the handicap limits be adjusted as follows:
Lowest individual reduced from 6 to 5
Lowest combined reduced from 17 to 15
Proposed by the Connacht and Munster Provincial Councils

6. That, in the Pierce Purcell Shield, the handicap limits be adjusted as follows:
Lowest individual reduced from 12 to 11
Lowest combined reduced from 27 to 25
Proposed by the Connacht and Munster Provincial Councils

7. That, in the GUI Four-Ball Inter-Club Championship, the handicap limits be adjusted as follows:
Lowest individual reduced from 16 to 15
Lowest combined reduced from 36 to 34
Proposed by the Connacht and Munster Provincial Councils

Special General Meeting at 7:30 PM on Tuesday 10th October 2017

Date 27th September 2017

Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of the Voting Members will be held in the clubhouse, at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 10th October 2017, to transact the following business:

  1. To receive a report on the implementation to-date of the Strategic Plan.
  2. To discuss and decide on a proposal for Capital Works and Funding in relation to:
  • The third tee box / second green area
  • The third green

Brian Sherwin

Honorary Secretary

Open 9 Hole Mixed – Final Night Saturday 7th October 2017

Come one Come all !

The final competition in the mixed calendar takes place Saturday, October 7th, followed that evening with dinner, prize giving and dancing!

Time sheet is now open from the earlier time of 12 noon, so pick your slot before they fill up.

Penalty points for winning throughout the summer won’t count on the final day while bonus points will apply to your score – so it’s all to play for!

We request that everyone be at the prize giving on the night as we cannot be responsible for prizes won and not collected.

If dining please ensure you make a reservation in advance, as this will assist our new caterer with planning for which we hope will be a fun & busy night!

Prize giving will begin at 8pm sharp.

Martina & Joe Hilliard

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