
Competition Entry App

There has been a new feature issued on “HowDidIDo” which allows you to sign-in to our competitions and enter your score – this will avoid having to use the touchscreen, could be generally very useful and falls in line with the World Handicapping System plans.

You do need to be signed up on “HowDidIDo”.

Download the App to your phone.

Register, Name, Club etc

On the Mobile App —

  • Prior to starting the competition
    • Select the icon on the top right (3 horizontal bars)
    • Select “Today’s Golf”
    • Select “Sign In”
    • Select the “Test – Mobile App” competition
  • At the end of your Round – (it is not capable yet of allowing you to enter your score after every hole)
    • Select the icon on the top right (3 horizontal bars)
    • Select “Today’s Golf”
    • Select “Score Entry”
    • Then enter your scores – it is quite intuitive
  • Initially, this will only work for singles competitions, but it will be rolled out for use in fourballs and team events in time.
  • When using the App, you MUST sign into the competition prior to playing and you Must also return your score as soon as you have completed your round.


Please also download our Club V1 app if you have not already done so, using this App you can now top up your accounts online. Lots of other useful information available on the App like account balances, competition scores etc.

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