
Conditions of Competitions (Rule 33-1)


The Competition Committee has laid down the following conditions under which club competitions are to be played. Members as advised to know and comply with them.


The Rules of Golf, as set down by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and Local Rules as made and published by the Committee shall apply to all competitions. (Players should familiarise themselves with these rules, particularly Rule 6 : Player’s Responsibility).

All players should familiarize themselves with these rules, and CONGU®  UHS (2016 – 2018) Clause 8, which also deals with Responsibilities of the Player


Only player who meet the eligibility rules for certain competitions, as laid down by the Committee, may enter those competitions. (The Committee may waive restrictions in certain circumstances).


To enter a Competition, a player must ensure that, before starting play;

(a) His name has been inserted on the official competition entry sheet and

(b)  His identifiable competition entry fee has been paid.


The player shall start:

(a) At the time laid down by the Committee or, if permitted by them

(b) At the time reserved on the advance timesheet or in the absence of  (a) and (b) above,

(c) In turn on the basis of pairing-off upon arrival.

Competitors shall remain throughout the round in the group arranged by the committee unless the Committee authorises or ratifies the change.


The conditions under which Club Match Play Competitions are to be played shall be laid down by the committee and displayed on the advance timesheets and/or draw sheets.


When timesheets are in operation, players:

(a) May reserve a maximum of four name slots (not four lines)

(b) May not have the word partners or numbers displayed (Names only to be        used).

(c) Should be present at the 1st tee and ready to play five minutes before           their starting time.

(d) Must notify their opposition and each playing partner in good time if they are withdrawing from the time sheet or competition. (Reserving a time is a commitment to play with the other players at that time slot).


The rules and allowances that shall apply for handicapping are:

Those prescribed by the Golfing Union of Ireland and set out in CONGU®  UHS (2016 – 2018) Clause 8, which deals with Responsibilities of the Player.

N.B.  In all club competitions, including Semi-Open and Open-Competitions, as organised by the committee, the only handicaps acceptable and recognised for prize eligibility, shall be for players of affiliated golf clubs.


The competition tees are those as indicated on the official competition entry sheet. The stipulated round commences from the first tee and consists of playing the holes of the course in the sequence prescribed by the committee, unless otherwise authorised by them. When novates are in operation, players must tee off from within the area of the Novatee, but not in front of the tee-markers.


The rules regarding etiquette, as contained in Section (1), The Rules of Golf, should be complied with at all times. In addition:

(a) Competitors playing in an Inter-Club or Club Championship Match should, if practical, be extended the courtesy of being called through a slower group.

(b) Players in club competitions shall have priority over others who are not competing.

(c) No more than four players are allowed to play together in one group, unless otherwise authorised by the Committee.


Players are expected to keep their place on the course by avoiding slow play. (Players are reminded that their place on the course is immediately behind the group in front – not immediately in front of the group behind. If a group fails to keep its place on the course and loses more than one clear hole on the players in front, it should invite the group following through. Slow play may be penalised under Rule 6-7 of the Rules of Golf.

  1. SCORECARDS: (RULE 33-5)

In the absence of the Committee issuing score cards containing the players name and the date of the competition, all competitors are requested by the committee to date and name their own cards. In cases where the Committee has not specifically appointed a marker to check and record a competitor’s score, a fellow competitor or another player will act as marker.

(a) A competitor should not mark or alter his scorecard. (The appointed marker is responsible for checking and recording the competitor’s score and for any alterations to the recorded score.


Any dispute or query relating to the Rules shall be referred to the Competitions Committee as soon as possible whose decision shall be final. (Rule 34-3).

  1. DECISIONS ON TIES: (Rule 33-6).

The manner in which ties are decided will be by matching the tied score cards to determine the winner based on count-back, as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrew.

  • Decide on last 9 holes – 6 – 3 – 2 – 1 and if still ties,
  • Decide on last 3 holes – 6 – 7 – 8 of the first 9

If this fails to produce a result, the winner will be decided by lot. , the last nine holes, for the purpose of deciding ties, will be from the 10th to 18th hole.


Prize winners are expected to attend prize presentations as a courtesy to our Officers and Sponsors whose generosity is much appreciated. If, due to exceptional circumstances a person is unable to be present to receive a prize, he should nominate another person to collect the prize on his behalf.


The committee reserve the right:

(a) To correct any mistakes made in the checking of score cards.

(b) To alter the published competition or conditions of same if it is deemed necessary.

(c) To cancel a competition due to insufficient entries or to postpone or abandon it at any stage in exceptional circumstances, if the Committee so decides.

Competition Committee


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