
Final Day for our Juveniles and Juniors

The FINAL DAY for Juveniles and Juniors is now Thursday 17th August 2017.

The original date for the Final Day was 24th but with the schools returning earlier than first advised we have switched the date to the 17th August. We the Junior Committee apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Like last year we will be having our special pick out prizes which are well worth winning. To qualify for these prizes you must have played four times during the year and be present when that draw takes place. If your name is drawn and you are not attending we will draw again.

We look forward to seeing all our young members that day and there will be burger and chips, chicken and chips or sausage and chips along with a drink for all players.

Moms and Dads, you are more than welcome to attend the prize giving which we hope will take place between 3pm and 3.30 pm. There will be class prizes for boys and also 18 and 9 hole prizes for girls along with the Challenge Cup for Boys under 18 years of age and the best Gross Cup for girls. We will also award the best young club person of the year trophy.

We look forward to seeing as many as possible on the day and trust that it has been an enjoyable summer for all our young members.

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