
Joint Captain’s Charity Day – Thank You

We would like to thank all members, and guests, for your support of our joint Charity Day. We were very pleased with the large number of members who participated in the Competitions of the day and, who made donations, without whose support the Day (and night) would not have been the success it was. In thanking all participants we would also like to acknowledge the many members who contributed to the planning of the day and the competitions, Paul O’Neill and Mary Browne and their respective teams of volunteers, Ian McGloughlin and his team for organising the social support program and those who assisted on the day in any way, accepting entries, selling Raffle Tickets, Mulligans, Nearest-the-pin entries and those who presented prizes. Overall it was a marvellous team event and hopefully an enjoyable day for all.

We are delighted to report that proceeds of the day amounted to €5,400 which will be divided equally between our chosen Charities, St Michael’s House and SOSAD, both active in our local community.

Presentation of the cheques, in the amount of €2,700 each, is scheduled for 8.30 pm on the evening of the Annual Prize-giving on Saturday October 28th. We look forward to a full attendance.

Again, many thanks to you all for your generous support, which we very much appreciated and will no doubt provide much needed financial assistance to both Charities.

Yours in Golf,

Nuala MacMahon, Lady Captain

Peter Donnelly, Captain





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