
One Governing Body – Golf Club Update

End of March 2017

A One Governing Body Discussions Group (DG) was established in November 2015 and has four representatives from both the ILGU and GUI. Fifteen meetings of the DG have been held to date and significant progress has been made.
The DG consulted with a number of Golf Club members amongst others, at a workshop in February of this year on the topic of the Organisational Structure of the new joint Governing Body for Golf in Ireland. Feedback was received on the future competition and administrative structure of the OGB, in addition to how the roles, responsibilities and functions of the OGB should be carried out. The DG are progressing with these recommendations and Clubs should expect further updates on this topic by mid-summer 2017.
The DG are hopeful to have a draft proposal presented to Golf Clubs in the autumn of 2017. Additional consultation meetings will take place at this stage with club members on a number of topics essential to the successful establishment of a new Governing Body.
To make progress in a timely manner the DG established eleven Working Groups (WG) in areas of acute importance, such as Organisational Structure, Future Club Formation, Club Services and Game Development, to name but a few. The eleven WG’s will report to the DG in April and May. Recommendations from the WG’s will then feed into the draft proposal for OGB.
The Communications WG recognised the requirement to effectively engage with all interested parties during the ongoing discussions. In this effort, a dedicated One Governing Body for Golf in Ireland website has been created and can be accessed via:
The website provides the public with the opportunity to consult on all relevant materials relating to OGB for Golf in Ireland.
General queries from Golf Club and Golf Club members should be directed to
Sinead Heraty Pat Finn
Irish Ladies’ Golf Union Golfing Union of Ireland

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