

Sadly our Ladies Revive Active Team, managed by Mary Kenny and Grainne O’Connor bowed out gallantly in their Semi Final Match, narrowly losing a very tight match against Ashbourne GC played on Monday. However, I am sure you will agree with me that the Ladies, did so well to reach the Semi Final, doing the Club proud.

Away Mary Kenny and Noreen Giblin secured a 3 and 2 win. Lady Captain Ciara and Joan Kehoe narrowly lost out on the 18th and Sheila McGloughlin and Joan O’Brien also brought their match up the 18th hoping to get a win to bring the match up 19 but having to concede a shot on the hole didn’t help. So close!

At home Barbara Ryan and Nuala MacMahon won a hard fought battle on the 17th and it was all down to Grainne O’Connor and Brenda Rogan to try and win the final match. Playing the 18th 1 down they were unfortunately unable to secure the required win.

Many thanks to all the ladies and gents who came out to support us on the day in Skerries and Ashbourne. The support from you the members was very much appreciated by all the team and oh so nearly brought us through.

Thank you to Sylvia our overall Team Manager for her commitment and help, also many thanks to Mary Leonard who looked after the home team at all of the matches through the Competition.

‘What can we say about our wonderful panel of players who practiced, took time off from work to play and played their hearts out yesterday. A huge commitment from everyone was much appreciated and we nearly did it.’

A ‘Big Thank You’ to Ciara, Joan Kehoe, Sheila, Joan O’Brien, Noreen, Jo Price, Nuala Mac, Barbara, Mary Dowling, Brenda Rogan and Joan McDonnell, Aisling Ryan, Dervla and Gen Carron – from Team Managers Mary Kenny & Grainne O’Connor.

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