Author: Communications Committee

GUI News – Golf Ireland geared for the good of the game

There is a substantial risk to the popularity of the sport and it has become clear that golf as a game is not meeting the needs of modern Ireland.
For clubs, a vote for Golf Ireland will mean an increase in support from the governing body
What is good for the game of golf in Ireland?
In their quest for answers to that question, the Golfing Union of Ireland and the Irish Ladies Golf Union developed a dream for what a new national governing body for golf could be. Following extensive consultation with clubs and other key stakeholders, Golf Ireland is now being proposed as one body for all golfers on the island of Ireland and clubs will vote on this proposal on January 19th.
As clubs have been all too painfully aware, membership has been in decline for some time while the average age of participants continues to rise. There is a substantial risk to the popularity of the sport and it has become clear that golf as a game is not meeting the needs of modern Ireland.
Bringing Ireland’s two golf Unions together was identified as an essential first step to meet the challenges facing the sport. In practical terms, future funding from both Sport Ireland and Sport Northern Ireland will be contingent upon golf having a mixed gender governance structure. Golf Ireland will fulfil the requirements of the Governance Code for Community and Voluntary Organisations, as recommended by Sport Ireland. The principles of this code are not currently being met by the GUI or the ILGU by virtue of their single gender governance structures.
For clubs, a vote for Golf Ireland will mean an increase in support from the governing body. The range of services currently provided by the Confederation of Golf in Ireland (CGI) will be delivered under the Participation and Club Support Department of Golf Ireland. These services will be enhanced and expanded, giving clubs greater resources available to help with the things that really matter: membership, governance and competition.
Clubs across the island of Ireland are now being asked for their approval so that Golf Ireland can become a reality. On 19 January 2019, each Union will ask their member clubs to vote on the Golf Ireland proposal. Naturally, clubs are wondering what a future with Golf Ireland will look like.
1. What are the benefits that Golf Ireland will bring? The game of golf in Ireland will have an all-inclusive governing body for the first time, which is good for promotion; which is good for attracting capital funding; which is good for attracting commercial partners; which is good for the image of the game. Golf Ireland is good for the game.
2. Will Golf Ireland interfere with the running of our club? Clubs are the bedrock of golf in Ireland. Golf Ireland will support clubs and advise on best practice models to help clubs progress towards improved governance and management practices. Golf Ireland will not interfere with the day-to-day running of its affiliate clubs.
3. What changes will we see in our club? Clubs will only have to deal with one body in future when it comes to handicapping, inter-club events, club supports and game development. There will be no requirement for separate men’s and women’s clubs and each club will be free to decide whether to move to a single structure. Clubs will also be free to retain their existing structure.
As Ryder Cup winning captain Paul McGinley noted in his letter to golf clubs supporting the creation of Golf Ireland: “This is golf’s way of responding to the needs of golfers in modern society.”
As per the end of 2017, there are 395 GUI fee-paying clubs and 374 ILGU fee-paying clubs. All clubs currently affiliated to the two Unions will automatically be affiliated to Golf Ireland on its establishment date.
Golf has suffered a substantial drop in playing numbers from its peak in the mid-2000s. Although golf remains one of the most popular sport and exercise activities in Ireland, it is clear that the game must adapt. Dr Pete Lunn – author of a 2017 ESRI report entitled ‘Golf in Ireland: A Statistical Analysis’ – stated that:
“Golf is unusual among sporting activities in its appeal to older people and link to lifelong health benefits. But participation is declining and the challenge for those who promote the game is to find ways to engage the modern generation of younger adults and their families.”
The founders of the GUI and ILGU were sporting pioneers, putting in place structures that would be imitated the world over. Both Unions remain as ambitious as they were at the beginning and Golf Ireland, which has been many years in the making, is the result of a careful and courageous mission to meet the needs of golf and golfers in this modern age.

Golf Ireland essential to save a game in decline

On 19 January 2019, the GUI and ILGU will decide their future. Each union will ask their member clubs to vote on the Golf Ireland proposal (see for full proposal and club support material)
Golf has been in decline for more than a decade in Ireland.
Time’s up.
Golf as a game is not meeting the needs of modern society and across the globe, the game’s governing bodies have been fighting this challenge.
Today, Ireland stands alone as the only country in the world to have two separate governing bodies for men’s and women’s golf. Globally, golf has embraced equality and inclusivity. Through the proposal to create Golf Ireland, now the island of Ireland is poised to follow suit by establishing modern governance structures and embarking on a progressive strategy.
Three years ago the Golfing Union of Ireland and the Irish Ladies Golf Union began work on the development of a new single governing body for golf in Ireland. Together both unions have proudly served Irish golf for more than 125 years but both bodies recognised the need for change in order to revitalise the game. After careful deliberation and extensive consultation with all of golf’s stakeholders, the GUI and ILGU delivered their proposal for Golf Ireland in August 2018. Clubs across the island of Ireland are now being asked for their approval so that Golf Ireland can become a reality.
Naturally, clubs and their members have been scrutinising the proposal. So what will Golf Ireland mean for you and your club?
1. What will Golf Ireland mean for me?
A secure future for the game you love. Clubs will benefit from increased support and funding; and you become part of a family-friendly, inclusive sporting organisation that meets the demands of modern golf.
2. Why do I need Golf Ireland? 
Clubs and club members have been hit hard in recent years. If we don’t act now, golf will remain in decline. We need to change the way we run golf for the good of the game. With the game restored to good health, golf can thrive again.
3. How much will it cost for me to be part of Golf Ireland? 
For the first two years of Golf Ireland, the costs are set in stone. Affiliation fees for adults will be fixed at €24 in Ireland and £20 in Northern Ireland. Fees for juniors will be €5 and £3.50.
As Ryder Cup winning captain Paul McGinley noted in his letter to golf clubs supporting the creation of Golf Ireland: “This is golf’s way of responding to the needs of golfers in modern society.”
At present there are 183,000 members of GUI and ILGU clubs across Ireland, which represents a fall of 25% since the mid-2000s. The founders of the GUI and ILGU were sporting pioneers, putting in place structures that would be imitated the world over. Both unions remain as ambitious as they were at the beginning and Golf Ireland, which has been many years in the making, is the result of a careful and courageous mission to meet the needs of golf and golfers in this modern age.

Special general deferral

Dear Member,
Following the Information Meeting held earlier this week on Wednesday 7 November 2018, the Committee of Management would like to thank those members in attendance. The information session was well received and certainly provided a positive platform for information sharing and exchange of views. Having listened to the members feedback and input at the meeting, the Committee of Management has now decided not to proceed with the planned SGM on Monday 12 November 2018 and instead to withdraw all previously notified motions and defer to the AGM in December where new motions will be put forward for approval by the membership. Thank you for your continuing support.

Yours sincerely

Terry O’Neill
Honorary Secretary

Golf Ireland – One Governing Body – Podcast

Dear Member

The GUI and ILGU have published a proposal for a single governing body for golf in Ireland. Clubs will vote on this proposal in January 2019.

To give a better understanding on what the new body will do and how it will be for the good of the game, Pat Finn (CEO, GUI) and Sinead Heraty (CEO, ILGU) took part in a recent podcast where they answered questions from golfers about the plan.

We encourage you to listen to the podcast on one of the channels below:




If you have questions about the proposal that you would like the CEO’s to address in a future podcast, please email your questions to

Many thanks.

Special General Meeting – Preliminary Notification

I would like to give you preliminary notice of a Special General Meeting to be held on Monday 12th November 2018 at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse.

I would also like to inform you that an Information Meeting will be held next Wednesday 7th November at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse to outline to members the context and rationale for the Special General Meeting.

Formal notification of the Special General Meeting , stating the precise nature of the business to be transacted will be forwarded to members shortly.

Terry O’Neill
Honorary Secretary

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