Category: General News

All General Club News – See other sections for men’s, ladies and juvenile news

Golf Ireland Update – Communication from GUI/ILGU/CGI

The GUI, ILGU and CGI would like to share the following update with Golf Club members and staff.


Golf Ireland Update

As you are aware, a Proposal to establish a single governing body for golf in Ireland, to be called Golf Ireland, was approved by GUI and ILGU delegates at meetings held in January 2019. Under the Proposal, it is intended that Golf Ireland will “go live” on 1 January 2021.

In the interim, a Transition Period has been instituted during which the structures and organisation of Golf Ireland are being established. This process is being led by a Transition Board*, comprising four nominees of the GUI and four nominees of the ILGU, with Tim O’Connor as the independent Chairperson. The Transition Board was appointed in February and has been meeting monthly since then.

Vision, Mission and Culture

The Transition Board has established the Vision, Mission and Culture for its work which will guide it through the remainder of the Transition Period and into the new body.

Sub-Committees and Transition Board Priorities

Work by the Transition Board to implement the Golf Ireland Proposal has commenced in a number of areas and the following Sub Committees have been established: Chief Executive Appointment; Finance and Governance; Branding, Logo and Website; Property and Office Accommodation; Handicapping; Competitions and Tournaments; Models of Club Governance; and Organisational Structures.

A key priority for the Transition Board is the appointment of a Chief Executive of Golf Ireland and an open competition has been instituted in that regard. Once appointed, the task of the Chief Executive in the first instance will be to drive forward the Transition process under the direction of the Transition Board. Further Sub Committees will be appointed by the Transition Board as needed over the coming period.

The Transition Board has liaised with Sport Ireland and Sport Northern Ireland, who welcomed the decision of the GUI and ILGU as well as offering support and encouragement for the new body. Additionally, the Golf Ireland trademark and domain name have been secured.

The Transition Board intend for the Transition Period to culminate with the first AGM and the first Regional meetings of Golf Ireland in the final quarter of 2020, which will pave the way for the new organisation to ‘go live’ on 1 January 2021.

What this means for GUI, ILGU and CGI

Until Golf Ireland is established in 2021, and the transfer of functions from the GUI and ILGU commence, it is business-as-usual for both the GUI and ILGU. This means that clubs, players and officials continue to communicate with both Unions as they always have. The same holds true for the CGI, whose work continues as before pending the transfer across in due course to Golf Ireland.

Under the Terms of Reference of the Transition Board, the Chairperson is required to be available to provide quarterly updates to the Boards of the ILGU and GUI. He has met both Boards once in that regard. The Transition Board will regularly update on progress as the work of the Board continues.

The Continuing Role of Volunteers

Golf is dependent on the many volunteers at club, regional and national level who undertake a range of activities. This will not change with the establishment of Golf Ireland. Current and new volunteers will be needed in the new body. If you are interested in a voluntary role in golf, you are invited to express interest with the relevant ILGU District or GUI Branch Executives to find out what roles are and will be available.

Chairperson O’Connor said: “Just as volunteers have been the lifeblood of the GUI and ILGU over the decades, so too will they be central to the success of Golf Ireland. There will be changes in how Golf is structured, with one overall governing body where previously there were two, but volunteers will continue to be a central pillar of the game in Ireland. We will be providing more detail in that regard as the Transition Period progresses.”


O’Connor added: “The establishment of Golf Ireland is an exciting new development for golf on the island of Ireland. I am encouraged by the positive start to the work of the Transition Board. Everybody is committed and dedicated to the success of the project. Working closely with the ILGU and the GUI, we look forward to ensuring that the Proposal, approved overwhelmingly by members in January, is faithfully implemented and that by January 2021 the new structures and arrangements will be in place to enable Golf Ireland to take forward its mission of securing and developing the future of golf across the island.”


*Members of Transition Board: Tim O’Connor (Chairperson); Pauline Bailie; Mary Culliton; Ian Kerr; Brege McCarrick; Joe McNamara; John Power; Brian Punch; Fiona Scott.


Alan Kelly

Communications & Academy Manager

Golfing Union of Ireland

Final of the North Leinster Mixed Foursomes – this Saturday in Headfort

Best of Luck to our team playing in the Final of the North Leinster Mixed Foursomes competition in Headfort Golf Club on this coming Saturday, 31st August 2019.

Skerries plays Rathcore Golf Club with tee off scheduled for 2:30 PM.

Managers, Peter and Mary Counihan, are hoping for support from as many members as possible. The old course at Headfort is a mature parkland layout and a very nice place to spend an afternoon. Why not come along and cheer on our team of:
Pat and Catherine Noone; Peter and Vivienne Donnelly; David and Elizabeth Smith; Seamus and Rhona Mulholland; Michael and Elizabeth McNamara.
Our substitute pairings are Paul and Antoinette Boyd and Pat and Deirdre Durkan.

Panel members, Phillip and Elaine McGloughlin, holidaying in the sun, have played a big part in getting us to this stage, as has Club Professional, Bobby Kinsella, particularly with some expert guidance last Thursday in Headfort. Many thanks to all.

Peter and Mary have enjoyed the journey with this great team who have given their best efforts over the summer for Skerries Golf Club. We all wish them the very best of luck.

Seamus Mulholland wins Captain’s Prize; Jeff Sexton is best of the Juniors

Congratulations to Seamus Mulholland

on winning Peter Lamont’s Captain’s Prize for 2019 with a fantastic 24 hole aggregate net score of 94.  The weather was great on Saturday but the course played long and tough.  Our photo shows Seamus  putting out to win on the 18th with playing partners Kenny Hay and Jimmy Chawke.

Best Junior on the day was Jeff Sexton, a young man with a great golfing future ahead of him, who also shot 94 – a very impressive score.

Leinster Finalists Pennant for our Mary McKenna Team

Very hard luck to our Mary McKenna Diamond Trophy Team

who, despite a great performance, could not overturn a big lead by Newlands in the second leg of the Leinster Final in Skerries on Thursday.

The national finals are hosted by Woodenbridge Golf Club and their Vice-Captain, Hilary Gale, was on hand to present the Leinster Finalists pennant to team manager, Grainne O’Connor.

A great achievement to get so far and huge congratulations to all who played throughout.

Leinster Final of Mary McKenna – Second Leg

The Best of luck to our Mary McKenna Diamond Trophy Team

who play Newlands in the second leg of the Leinster Final in Skerries on Thursday.

The first leg was played in Newlands Golf Club in July with home advantage helping Newlands to a clean sweep of all five matches.

Undaunted, The Skerries team, managed by Grainne O’Connor, will relish the challenge of returning the compliment on Thursday.

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