
Results of Ladies Matches – Junior Cup & Minor Cup

Commiserations to both the Ladies Junior Cup and Minor Cup teams who were beaten by Howth and Ashbourne respectively on last Sunday. Both teams met with very stiff competition and fought bravely, but unfortunately were not successful.

Well done to both teams and their managers for making it as far as they did.

The Challenge Cup had a great victory over Greenore with Jenny Carron winning on the 12th, Catherine Jones winning on 13th, Jean Whyte winning on the 14th and Catherine Noone and Ann Ahern being called in on 15th and 16th holes respectively.

Congratulations to Jo McEvoy and Fionnula Mooney and to the players on a comprehensive win and thanks to reserves and caddies for their efforts and support.

The team are now in the 4th Round of the competition which will be held in Dundalk on 17th June against Headfort.

Well done to all.

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